
Personal Branding Photography Questionnaire

Let’s Plan Your Perfect Shoot.

What you do is important. But who you are and why you do it means so much more.

This form will give me insight into who you are in your business. Maybe even help you shine a brighter light onto the specific message you want to get across to your current and potential customers.

Once you answer these questions, you and I both will have a better understanding of who you are, what you want your brand to say and how we can work together to create a branding shoot that perfectly suits your business.

Personal Info:

Business Name
Website URL
Social Media Handles
Brief description of your business/service.

Brand Story:

Who are you? Beyond job title, who are you at the core? What do you love to do for YOU outside of your business? What activities do you enjoy?
Beyond your actual service, what type of 'experience' you provide.
Why do you love this business? What's your mission?
Who is your ideal client? What are they like? What are their pain points?
What sets your business apart from others in the industry? What makes you unique?

Setting Your Intention:

What kind of stories do you want these images to tell or portray to your audience? Ex: Teacher, Mentor, Professional, Mother, Dancer, Artist, Lawyer, Homemaker, etc.
Use 3-4 words to describe your band. And list your brand colors, if any.
How do you most want these photos to grow your business? Check all that apply:
What do you hope to achieve by doing a personal branding shoot?
What are your top goals for the next 6 months? (How do you hope to use these photos to assist?)
What type of feel do you want your photographs to have? Check all that apply:
What do you want these images to say/show about your business?
Optional: List any image requirements you need for specific image placements (Ex: Need new homepage header image with white space on the left side for text)


Please share your Pinterest board link. Chose around 10-15 images that inspire you by poses, feelings, vibe, colors, locations, etc. (You can also email me images if you don't use Pinterest.)
What locations(s) do you have in mind? What's important to you about the feel, style, vibe?
List any special tasks you do for work or items you use that could be photographed. (Ex: you use a huge wall planner, or send every client a specific gift that you personally wrap)
What lifestyle activates would you like to include? (yoga, cooking, sports, painting, playing with kids, pets, etc)
What outfit ideas do you have? And do you need help?
What kind of props would you like to incorporate in your shoot?
What kinds of images most appeal to you? Check all that apply:


Please share any additional ideas or thoughts you have around your photo shoot (specific details that are important to you, shots you have in mind, etc.)