Tina is a Professional Personal Branding and Headshot Photographer in Chesterfield, VA.
Who also loves being a boy mom and DIYing fun projects with her family, like this one below!
AAALLLLLLLLRighty Then…..!
Yeah, I’m pretty excited to share this silly DIY Halloween Costume with you all.
But first of all, I must say, I have the most amazing kid in the world. His willingness to participate in his Mother’s nonsense is the greatest gift.
And how proud of himself he was when I praised him on it.
This is real love ya’ll.

If you don’t quite get what you’re looking at here, for a fun bonus Halloween costume this year, I dressed my son as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Specifically the scene where he pretends to be a mental patient. And yes, he Nailed It!
There is a gif I kept showing him of the “dance” and he’s been practicing it for weeks! Cutest thing ever. (Video of that at the end of this post!)

It may or may not surprise you that I was beyond excited to do this costume. I don’t show off my “goofball” side too often, but it’s absolutely in there! In fact, before I was ever pregnant I told myself that some day if I had a son I was going to do this. Ridiculous, right? Nope!
I pride myself in having great taste in films and TV shows for their cinematography, writing, acting and creativity, but I also have a huge love for 90s comedy.
Actors like Jim Carey, Adam Sandler and Chris Farley all hold a very special place in my heart.
My mom, funny enough, would CRY LAUGH at Ace Ventura when we were kids. It was on TV recently and she still cry laughed at it.

This was a fairly easy DIY costume. Amazon had the perfect shirt. The tutu came from a friend. He already had the shorts and boots.
I thought about putting product in his hair, and I kind of wish I did, but it’s a little crazy anyway right now, so it works. I did attempt to blow it out with the dryer a bit, which he enjoyed.

I’m not sure when I will let me son watch this movie, but hopefully when he does he will laugh along with me (I’m sure he will, he has a great sense of humor and he is only three!)
And not hate me for this when he is older…
Lastly, here are a few comparison shots if you still are thinking, what the heck is she talking about?? This may clear things up.

Thanks for playing along, I hope you enjoyed this fun DIY Ace Ventura Halloween Costume!
When I’m not creating fun memories with my son, I’m available for family photography, family films, senior portraits and personal branding photography and headshots.
Send me an email if you’d like to chat about any of the above, I’d love to hear from you! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
To book a session or just to say hi, send me an email, I’d love to chat.
And of course, let’s be social! Connect with me on facebook & instagram