Welcome to the blog! Today I’m writing a rare personal post for you!

We realized that it has already been a year to the day that we became homeowners. I cannot believe how fast that year has flown by, and it makes me realize all of the little projects we have been putting off that we said we’d do right away 🙂 That never works out, does it?? But that’s ok, it will all come together in time.

It also made me beg and drag Ben outside for a quick photo shoot. One of my biggest regrets, as silly as it may sound to some, is that I didn’t take any photos when we were moving, or painting, etc. We never really even got a good photo of us in front of the house when we first got it. I really wanted that to look back on later. I’ve always been obsessed with documenting things, and it’s funny how when something you love becomes something you do for a living, you forget to do it for fun or why you did it in the first place. I need to keep that reminder in the front of my brain from now on 🙂

It’s been a pretty crazy and great year since we moved. I guess we’ve done things pretty backwards from most couples. We got a pet together a few months before we ever lived together, then we ended up dating for pretty much a million years before we decided to buy a house together, and then, after we got that out of the way, we are now finally getting married! But I like the way things have worked out, who cares how the puzzle pieces fall into place as long as they come together in the end. So here are my commemorative photos, and even a cute photo shoot of our keys. And to top it all off we got a pretty pretty rainbow for good luck!



Yes, Ben’s real key is a fancy little guitar 🙂TTMP-1YrHome7TTMP-1YrHome6TTMP-1YrHome9

And it’s a double rainbow even!TTMP-1YrHome2TTMP-1YrHome3

Nothing better than poofy clouds and rainbows!TTMP-1YrHome

This is Ben’s favorite pose. No matter what we are doing, he makes us get in one of these. So silly.TTMP-1YrHome10 TTMP-1YrHome11

I love our green porch so much!TTMP-1YrHome12 TTMP-1YrHome13

Thanks for reading!

I’d love to document something in your life, send me an email, it would be nice to hear from you.

And be sure to check out my pricing page for info on weddings and portraits.